
Yeast Infection Matters & What You Can Do About It

By: The Honey Pot Company

We've all been there.  That dreaded moment when you realize that something isn't quite right down there; followed by itching, burning, pain and irritation, unsightly discharge, and just like that the nightmare has begun. 

Genital / vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), also commonly referred to as the vaginal yeast infection, occurs when there is overgrowth of the yeast called Candida in the vagina. Candida, which is always present in and on the body in small amounts can cause real issues with your lovely lady-parts when imbalance occurs.  

There are a host of things that impact the normal acidity of the vagina, such as when our hormonal balance changes, and these things can in turn wreak havoc on an otherwise healthy and happy vagina. Pregnancy, a weakened immune system, diabetes, and even long-term use of antibiotics can contribute to a yeast infection. Buy luckily you can treat a yeast infection at home. So what do you do about it exactly? Here's some yeast infection information and a few tips for natural yeast infection remedies that just might help.

1.  Eat Clean:  Eating a balanced diet is rule number one in maintaining a healthy vagina. Yeast overgrowth can happen easily when we are shoveling foods high in fat, grease, and preservatives.  Not eating healthy can also lead to a weakened immune system which in turn can make yeast overgrowth more likely.

2. Cotton Is Your Friend:  If you must wear panties, make sure they are cotton. Especially if recurring yeast infections are an issue for you.  Also, whenever you can try to go commando to give your vagina a little extra breath of fresh air.   

3. Probiotics For Life: Taking a daily probiotic supplement for yeast infections is an absolute must in helping prevent recurring infections. Probiotics are also good for the gut which is the center of health and fundamental in maintaining a strong immune system.

4. Consider Progestin-Only Birth Control:  Estrogen-based birth control, such as combination birth control pills, may cause issues with yeast.  Progestin-only mini pills and IUDs are a better option if you can swing it. Spermicides can also have an impact on the vaginal environment, and friction during sex can definitely alter the ecology of a well-balanced vagina. Consider using water-based lubricants (no glycerin) as well. 

5. Tea Tree Oil:  The essential oil derived from tea tree leaves has been proven to be an anti-fungal solution against yeast and should only be applied to the outside of the vagina, not internally. But be careful, some vaginas are more sensitive than others and we recommend doing a light test before going all the way with this natural remedy.  

6. Go Natural & Chemical Free:  Changing up your feminine care regimen by switching from products laced with harmful chemicals to a plant-based feminine care system is the best way to help keep yeast at bay.  Feminine care products that are made with nasty chemicals will increase your chances of infection and disease. Give our cleansers for sensitive skin a try for starters or take our quiz to find out which products in our full feminine care system are right for you.