
Tips for Tracking Your Period

By: Alexandra La-Rotta

Knowing when to expect your period each month can be very important for a variety of reasons. Many times, one of the first things you’ll be asked at a doctor or gynecologist appointment will be “what was the date of the first day of your last cycle?” and for good reason. Your menstrual cycle is a huge indicator of your overall health. A missed, delayed, longer than average, or more painful period can all be signs of a health issue or reason for concern.

Whether you simply want to have an idea of when you can expect your period, or you’d like to track your fertility and ovulation based from your cycle below are a few things to make sure to note when tracking your menstrual cycle:

  • Write down when you begin and end bleeding. If you have any spotting between regular menstrual periods, be sure to note that as well.
  • Describe your menstrual blood. Is your bleeding very heavy or light? Are there a lot of clots? Is it a dark brown color or a bright red? This is all important to keep track of since the type of blood can be an indicator of your menstrual health.
  • Note your symptoms, were you extra emotional, did you have a terrible headache for 2 days? Your PMS and menstrual symptoms are a huge part of your overall health. The more that you are aware of this, the more knowledgeable and in control over your symptoms you will become.

All of this can easily be tracked on a calendar, in a notebook, or on your phone or computer. There are also several different apps you can download that help to keep track of your cycle and symptoms. Check out Period TrackerMonthly CyclesClue and similar cycle tracking apps to help track your period.

Using whatever method that is right for you, learning how to track your period can help you to better prepare, anticipate and be in tune with your body. To further make peace with your period, check out our full line of all-natural menstrual products HERE.