Showing Some Self-Love

Showing Some Self-Love

By: Alexander Abraham

How is your relationship with YOU? The way you see and love yourself, affects every other relationship you have with others. In order to maintain healthy relationships, you must first have a good relationship with yourself. It’s easy to live in a state of constant comparison with others, and never feel good enough, but this month we challenge you to stop this mentality and focus on loving yourself more. Follow these four easy self care tips to learn how to practice self love and care on a daily basis:

  •  Write a love letter to yourself. Be your own best friend and remind yourself of all the ways you are amazing, exactly enough and lack nothing. We spend a lot of time taking care of and giving love to others, but often put ourselves last. Be kind, and list all the ways you are beautiful, smart and valued. Whether you write this down on a piece of paper, your phone or simply look at yourself in the mirror every morning and say, “I am beautiful,” this acceptance is a gift that only you are able to give yourself.
  •  Pamper yourself. Take some time out of a busy day and have a moment alone. Our refreshing feminine hygiene spray is a great way to do this, freshen up and cool down. This herbal mist is like a spa break in a bottle. It eliminates odor, while the lavender essential oils keep you feeling calm throughout the day. It can be used on panties, underarms, feet and even shoes.
  •  Love yourself JUST the way you are- flaws and all! This is the best self-care tip. Don’t take yourself too seriously and forgive yourself for any mistakes the way you would any other loved one. No one is perfect, but your flaws are just a small part of what make you perfectly you.
  • Plan a fun day date- for one. Take yourself out to the movies, on a picnic, or a bike ride outside; these are all great self care ideas. Whatever your ideal day looks like, go out and do it! Unplug from your phone and enjoy the time spent in the presence of the number one person in your life. You deserve your own love more than anyone else!